Titania Light Tower
Energy & Spirit Medicine
The Chakra System

The information we have regarding the Chakra System comes to us from the same place Yoga was first written of – the Vedas (an ancient Indian text that may possibly be the oldest sacred text in existence).
Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning “wheel” or “disk.” The Chakra System is very similar to the Nervous System. We have nerves located all over throughout our physical bodies but the most important nerves (the ones that act as the communication centers for the entire body and play the most vital role in overall health) are located along the spinal column. Throughout our energy bodies, we have Chakras all over, but the 7 most important Chakras, like the 31 most important pairs of nerves, are located along the spine.
The Chakras are energy centers that command the subtle and psychosomatic facets of our Being, which in turn dictate our physical experiences of not only our bodies, but the world around us. When the Chakras are awakened, they bloom and open like flowers (hence the lotus being used as a symbol for each) and spin in a clockwise direction. The direct effect of proper alignment within the Chakra System is inner harmony and balance, which express themselves physically as glowing vitality and well-being of the body and life experiences which reflect peace, joy, and happiness. When there is disruption or dysfunction within the Chakra System, the organs and systems of the physical body express this in the form of sickness or dis-ease and our life experiences reflect chaos, suffering, discomfort, frustration, and pain.
Through various vibrational methods or approaches, we are able to awaken sleeping or dormant Chakras, as well as balance or re-align Chakras that have become stuck or disrupted. When the Chakras are re-balanced, we experience inner healing, which eventually extends to the physical body and the physical circumstances of our outward lives.