Titania Light Tower
Energy & Spirit Medicine
The Celtic Tree Ogham

With some of them living for spans of thousands of years and bearing witness to the magic, as well as the gruesome horrors most of us will only ever read about in books, trees are our wisest living ancestors. Since the beginning of mankind, trees have acted as our noblest allies and truest friends, regardless of how humanity has treated them in return. They see things that go unnoticed by most humans and hear things only those attuned to the highest frequencies will pick up. They have and continue to give us everything – fresh air, protection, shelter, food, medicine, inspiration, guidance, compassion, and love. Without trees, there is no life.
The ancient Druids and Celts were highly perceptive of the great powers within trees and mastered skills which allowed them to tap into their energies. They would eventually leave us the Tree Ogham, an alphabet utilizing these energies. In ancient times, the Tree Ogham served as a tool for secret communication between Druids, Ovates, and Bards as well as a system that could be used for divination, healing, and the various powers of manifestation we often refer to as “magic.”
Today, the Tree Ogham can still be used as a way of communication – a way for us to speak with the Universe and divine for knowledge. We can use the Tree Ogham to gain understanding of our present circumstances, to guide us toward helpful solutions to situations we may perceive as problematic or to illuminate a path of action that may lead us to a desired outcome. We can use the Tree Ogham and It’s corresponding trees as aids in healing physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual dis-ease, as well as instruments of manifestation.
When we open ourselves to them, there’s nothing that trees can’t help us with and the Tree
Ogham can spark a fire within us that illuminates realms we never knew existed before.