Titania Light Tower
Energy & Spirit Medicine
Yoga Explained

The practice of Yoga can be traced back to Northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word Yoga is first mentioned in the Vedas – the oldest sacred texts in existence. The word Yoga translates to “union” or “yoke," the meaning of the word yoke in this case being “to connect” or “to join.” This is what Yoga is at its core – a means of connecting or joining the body with the Spirit and the Piece with the Whole.
A common misconception of Yoga that’s become prevalent today is that it is exercise. Though Asana, one of the eight limbs of Yoga, most certainly does involve movement of the physical body, this is only one small part of Yoga.
Yoga is a way of living and being, which the physical body undoubtedly plays a large part in, but so do the energetic bodies that we don’t necessarily see with our physical eyes. Yoga seeks to unite these bodies – the mental, emotional, and physical with the breath and the Spirit. Asana, the physical limb of Yoga, can most certainly do wonders for the physical body but Yoga as a whole can truly transform an entire Being.
Asana without the other limbs of Yoga isn’t Yoga – it’s exercise, which can allow your physical body to feel great but Yoga as Yoga was meant to be practiced allows us to return to wholeness, to our light, to our Source. With Yoga, we aren’t just moving for the sake of movement, to punish ourselves for whatever we ate the previous day, or to maintain an athletic physique. Through Yoga, we give ourselves space to show praise with our bodies and to recognize all that we have to show praise for. Yoga truly allows us to behold and experience ourselves as Divine.